
Self-Leadership Self-Coaching Program upgrades your competence

How will we upgrade your competence?

The Process

First you choose your Destination:

  1. you will discover your desired outcome
  2. you will align your destination with your Boss
  3. you will choose 3 focus priorities


Then you choose your desired Talent:

  1. what  do you want to know?
  2. What do you want to do?
  3. what do you want to turn into an effortless habit?
  4. what strategies do you want to develop?


During your Process:

  1. you will gain insights,
  2. leading to new knowledge,
  3. develop new skills, and
  4. turn your skills into habits, and
  5. organize your habits into a strategy,
  6. till you get measurable results, and
  7. reach your destination.
  8. Then you will consolidate your learning during follow-up,
  9. and choose your next destinatio


Steps & Timing

You will

  1. start your first actions within 24 hours
  2. see your first mini-improvements within 1 week
  3. see visible results within 1 month
  4. develop several skills within 3 month
  5. develop effortless habits within 6 months
  6. reach your next selfleadership level within about 1 year[1]


What Competence will you develop?

We help you develop any competence or habit you need for your journey to your destination. The figure below shows you just a sample of some competences or habits we can support. You see there will be different “layers of competence”. We will develop them one after another. Depending on your bottlenecks & needs, we shape for you a customized program to your specific needs.

Coachteam Laws:

Coachteam® Laws reflect our underlying self-coaching philosophy:

1° Coachteam® Law

People do more of what they like, desire or perceive as pleasure

People do less of what hurts or is perceived as pain


Solution Focused Coaching helps people …

  1. focusing on their strengths
  2. leveraging on their existing competence
  3. creating a context of pleasure
  4. building contexts of pleasure with, through & for others
  5. building thrust
  6. focusing on ADDED VALUE for the firm and its stakeholders
  7. creating and measuring financial ROI for the firm
  8. creating emotional ROI on their desires
  9. building self-organizing mechanisms and teams
  10. building self-learning through on-the-job experience


 Q(∑H) x Q(∑S) = Q(G)people                organization            output

2° Coachteam® Law:


Goldmine: The Quality of your firms total output equals the Quality of its Strategies (developed by its leaders) multiplied by the Quality of the Habits of its leaders and people.

[1] These are average lead times in our daily coaching experience. Variation is influenced by motivation and effort of the participant and support of his management.


Se also our other programms at:


Develop Peak Performance in 15 minutes per day

Knowing that at conferences some people like to shop around and others want to go in depth, I propose a concept of 3 modules that can either be followed as separate half-day trainings but also as a full 1,5 day in depth training because each module builds on the previous one and can still be followed as a stand alone training.

Overall track title:

Develop Peak performance in 15 minutes per day

(for those who follow the 3 training modules)

Dr. Paul Koeck did intensive research on over 1.000 people over 2,5 years and will teach you “the key success factors” of his scientifically proven method. He could measure in his online software system what factors contribute to personal and professional development and will teach you the different “best practices” in simple practical exercises with a full self-help program to implement it all in the coming weeks and months after this great conference.


Training 1: How do I reduce my stress with over 77% in 15 minutes per day?

(3 hours)

After this training, you will have learned …

  • How to decrease your stress with over 77% investing 15 minutes per day during 1 month
  • Worry Blocker technique: How to stop worrying in 60 seconds
  • Satisfaction booster technique:  How to increase your life satisfaction with over 40% in 3 weeks (this technique even works for severely depressed patients, so certainly it will work also for you)
  • Sleep-fast technique: How to fall asleep faster for people with sleep disturbances
  • Scientific insights in the mechanisms that lead to stress, anxiety, depression and burnout.

Participants are invited to take the free online self test at and bring their printed scores to the traini

Training 2: How do I create a balanced and happy private life fulfilling my dreams in 15 minutes per day?

(3 hours)

After this training, you will have learned …

  • How to use 15 minutes daily self-reflection to continuously improve your life quality and happiness
  • How to improve your relationships with your beloved ones so that you co-create your dreams and future together
  • How to develop an action plan to fulfill your dreams


During this training, you will have …

  • Created a first draft of your action plan
  • Developed one goal to work on the coming 30 days
  • Prepared how to align your goal with your beloved ones

Training 3: How do I become a successful Leader-Coach in 15 minutes per day?

(3 hours)

After this training, you will have learned …

  • The difference between your role as a leader and a coach
  • How to communicate differently in each of these roles
  • How to create better results through people
  • How to lead your people to create measurable results in 15 minutes
  • How to coach people to develop their professional competence in 15 minutes
  • How to turn your leadership and coaching skills into habits in 15 minutes a day



Dr. Paul Koeck, ITF 133, studied medicines and specialized in sports medicines, hypnotherapy and systemic solution focused psychotherapy. He obtained an MBA (Master in Business Administraion) and while studying medicines, he obtained also a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy.

Professionally he words as a physician specialized in psychosomatic and stress related diseases, as a business & leadership coach within and as a researcher, founder and CEO in


Se also our other programms at: