Erickson Insitute Of Antwerp
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  The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Antwerpen
Amerikalei  39 - 4      B-2000 Antwerpen
+32(3)237.98.98    -    info @   -
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The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Antwerp

Mijn kwartier - Online zelfhulp voor stress, angst en depressie Begin met de gratis zelftest Meer informatie over online zelfhulp Ga naar voor meer informatie over zelfhulp via je computer

The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Antwerp



The Milton H. Erickson Institute in Antwerp,

co-developed a new Online Ericksonian Self Help Expert System

based upon Ericksonian principles and techniques

developed by

Paul Koeck, MD & Luc Isebaert, MD


We developed an Online Ericksonian Self Help Program for people to help themselves resolve psychological issues like Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Burn-out iin close collaboration with the technological platform developed by Coachteam.


We also offer Training & Therapy in:


  • Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
  • Solution Focused Therapy 
  • Systemic Therapy
  • Brief Therapy

Therapy or Counseling is available in Antwerp, Belgium, or online internationally: Contact us at:  Coachteam  
Training: ask info at :Coachteam  

Dr. Paul Koeck, is the President, Physician and head therapist of the Antwerp Erickson Institute. He obtained several academic degrees as MD, MBA and BA and was aslo trained as a Physician, Ericksonian Hypnotherapist and Systemic Brief Solution Focused Therapist. For more scientific information about hypnosis, read his dutch article about hypnotherapy:  'Hypnose in de Traditionele Geneeskunde' and 'Hypnose , een volwaardig hulpmiddel'
The famous American Psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson was a pioneer in the medical field: he developed a Brief way of doing therapy, using hypnosis and many other techniques to get faster results than any other existing therapy. Erickson died in 1979. In honor of his work, the the Erickson Foundation in the USA, invited us to be his local representative to teach Erickson's work in Belgium and offer Ericksonian hypnotherapy to the Belgian public. Having been trained in depth with several of Erickson's direct students and his daughter, we accepted this challenge with pleasure and honor.

Hypnotherapy is a medical act and can in Belgium only legally be applied by a medical doctor with a legal degree in Medicines, or under direct supervision by a physician. Therefor Ericksonian hypnosis can only be legally done by a physician, or by a clinical psychologist, under supervision of a medical doctor. The Erickson foundation and the family of Dr. Erickson states that only professionlly trained medical doctors and psychologists can be ericksonian therapists. Always ask your therapist if he has a legal university degree and if he is professionally trained and at which university or institute. Unfortunately nowadays many non-professionals claim to be ericksonian hypnotherapists without having a university degree training and the necessary scientific background.

Vraag aan uw therapeut of hij in bezit is van een univeristair diploma in de geneeskunde of psychologie + naar zijn volwaardig diploma in de hypnotherapie.
Erkende therapie opleidingen duren 3 of 4 jaar en zijn ENKEL toeganlijke voor artsen of psychologen, dus mensen zonder dit medisch diploma, kunnen nooit een erkende opleiding volgen.


biedt training en therapie in Ericksoniaanse Hypnose

Vraag aan uw therapeut of hij in bezit is van een univeristair diploma in de geneeskunde of psychologie + naar zijn volwaardig diploma in de hypnotherapie.

Erkende therapie opleidingen duren 3 of 4 jaar en zijn ENKEL toeganlijke voor artsen of psychologen, dus mensen zonder dit medisch diploma, kunnen nooit een erkende opleiding volgen.
Hypnose is een medische handeling en moet volgens de Belgische wetgeving gebeuren door een arts of onder zijn supervisie.


The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Antwerpen

Amerikalei  39 - 4
B-2000 Antwerpen
Belgium, Europe
Tel   +32(3)237.98.98

Dr. Milton H. Erickson
Dr. Milton H. Erickson 

*Education in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is only open to medical professionals who have an official degree in medicines, psychology or dentistry, as required by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona.

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